Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Modern Times... or is it Post-Modern now?

One of the best-selling items that we have here at Monster Scooter Parts is a little 3-prong, 24 volt battery charger that we call the "Razor Pocket Rocket & Pocket Mod (Bella, Betty, Bistro, Daisy, iMod & Vapor) Battery Charger (Standard)." The name is almost bigger than the product, and these popular battery chargers are usable on a wide range of recreational electric scooters. We also list this battery charger as the generic 24 Volt 1.6 Amp 3-Prong Battery Charger (Standard) but both item names refer to the same thing. These work on those little electric scooters that swarms of kids zip around with on countless suburban sidewalks and cul-de-sacs when Saturday morning cartoons are over and their parents have claimed the big screen television to watch the cooking shows on PBS. Please don't get the idea that I am endorsing one scooter manufacturer over any other, but I admit that I think that those little Razor Pocket Rockets and Pocket Mods are some of the cutest kids' products ever made. Scaled-down replicas of the classic old Euro-scooters of the 1950s and '60s, these represent a masterful marketing endeavour by Razor to introduce the street scooter concept to another generation of riders. By patterning their ride-on toys after a design style that has world-wide recognition, Razor has all but guaranteed that some of these kids are going to buy full-sized street scooters when they are older. Electric scooters for kids have been around for a few years now and the idea is catching on for adult models as well. In these eco-concious times the term "green" has taken on a new meaning for both the consumers and manufacturers. Whether this signals a fundamental change in global priorities, or just another faddish affectation remains to be seen, but there is no denying that environment-friendly personal transportation is a growing business. The Powers That Be tell us we need to wean ourselves off of our addiction to fossil fuels, and all for the better future of our dear old planet. The gasoline 2-stroke scooter engines of the past have all but been replaced by the cleaner-burning, less pollution-spewing 4-stroker designs. Eco-friendly hybrid-electric technology holds a lot of promise for the near future, while an almost mythical hydrogen-powered utopia always seems to be just out of reach. The street-legal scooter, whether gasoline-powered or electric, has been enjoying quite a burst of popularity lately here in the US. Sales are increasing even as other economic indicators are down. Still relatively rare just a half-decade ago, scooters like Vespas and Honda Silverwings and a host of other models are now begining to populate the urban asphalt and the suburban side-streets. I have begun to see full-powered 250cc scooters burning up the roads of rural Maryland and Virginia, places where you once saw a Ford or Chevy pick-up in every driveway. There are even rumors that Harley-Davidson is doing the R&D for another scooter model, maybe an up-dated and refined version of their long out of production 1965 Topper model. Perhaps Dylan said it best when when he sang that the times they are a'changing. I don't want to tell you how old I am, but when I was a kid "The Jetsons" was on prime-time television. There were only three channels back then and Ed Sullivan had the closest thing to reality TV. Men were orbiting the Earth in Mercury capsules and we were all being led into a bright and prosperous new future where every kid was going fly to school on their very own jet-pack strapped to their backs. We didn't see "The Jetsons" as another mindless cartoon whose strategic goal was to get us to consume more sugar-coated cereal products; we watched "The Jetsons" because it was prophecy! We saw on the news how NASA was developing real jet-packs, and that dad was going to get a flying car, and sometime in the not-too-distant future people would be living on the moon and vacationing on Mars. Well, the future didn't quite turn out that way. Dad never got his flying car and by the time I graduated from high school I still hadn't gotten my promised jet-pack. I sit here and contemplate what it would have been like if "The Jetsons" really was the harbinger of our future. Would I be writing the blog for Monster Scooter & Jet-pack Parts? Maybe so, and I bet that we would have the correct battery charger for it too.

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