Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Genuine Relics of Scooters Past

A few years ago Monster Scooter Parts bought out the last remaining warehouse stock of spare parts from a formerly well known but now defunct scooter company. Before the container truck rolled up to our door, we didn't know exactly what we were buying, just that what we were buying was the last of it. It was like buying a big truckload of scooter history.

Included in that grab-bag collection of shipping crates were boxes and boxes of safety equipment; gobs of gloves, heaps of helmets, and an utterly copious quantity of Pryme™ Protective Gear elbow and knee guards. These were the old hard cap, BMX style that was marketed to dirt bikers, skateboarders, scooterists, and even break dancers(!) back in the day. These guards are now real treasures; genuine relics of the Polyester Age, and they may be the very last unsold and unused examples of a now discontinued line of Pryme™ Protective Gear elbow and knee guards. When they are all gone they will be gone forever.

These are the all black design and features the hard elbow or knee cap protector, Velcro™ straps, and that cool Pryme™ skull logo. These are still available in the larger sizes, and they will fit most teenagers and adults.

Since then, Monster Scooter Parts has quadrupled in size, and has moved the warehouse 2000 miles from its former location. And we continue to grow as the global leader in the scooter parts trade. We now need the warehouse space more than we need these semi-antique knee guards. But the bad news for us is the good news for the recreational scooterist. Monster Scooter Parts has cut the price down to "almost free" in order to get them out the door.

It should be noted that these elbow and knee guards are unworn and unused, but they have been sitting in various open warehouse bins for a decade or more. They are in perfect condition, but they may have collected a bit of dust on them over the years. We guarantee them as perfect, just not perfectly clean.

The days of break dancing (i.e., spinning around on your head and flopping about like a freshly hooked flounder on a fishing pier) may be safely consigned to the garbage bin of ancient history, but recreational scootering has never been more popular. Whether you get your kicks on a kick scooter or on a BMX dirt track, a pair of these brand-new-but-old elbow and knee guards from Monster Scooter Parts may just be the perfect accouterments to your style.